Our story

BagID was born out of necessity.

When our founder, Jan Vidar, was working as an electrical engineer onboard offshore installations in the Norwegian North Sea, he would time and time again experience that his checked bags and equipment were left behind somewhere along his journey. This incurred a lot of frustration and costs for him and his team, his employer, the oil and gas operators, airlines and handlers.

In aviation, more than 25 million pieces of luggage goes missing or astray each year, 3 billion silicon-covered, non-circular, paper tags are printed, and poor legibility is often the rule rather than the exception. In addition, lost luggage makes us buy stuff we already have. All in all, baggage astray when flying is stressful, costly, and unsustainable. We saw the need to digitalize, simplify, and change the way people travel with luggage when they fly!

Since our humble beginnings in 2016, BagID AS have launched our second generation electronic bag tag - BagID 2. We have partnered up with Apple and Samsung and offer tracking via their global IoT ecosystems. This allows passengers to check-in their bags off airport and track their bags throughout the journey.

We are working together with leading airport groups to challenge and improve airport infrastructure and efficiency.

Through our close relationship and partnership with BAGTAG, we will continue expanding our network of airlines!

“At BagID we make bags smarter, passengers happier, airlines more profitable, airports more efficient and air travel more sustainable!”