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Free worldwide shipping
Customs duties and taxes included
Free worldwide shipping
Customs duties and taxes included
Free worldwide shipping
Customs duties and taxes included
Free worldwide shipping
Customs duties and taxes included
Free worldwide shipping
Customs duties and taxes included


It started with an idea to make travel easier for people going places. Large parts of the customer journey for traveler are already digitized. People book their tickets on their...

It started with an idea to make travel easier for people going places. Large parts of the customer journey for traveler are already digitized. People book their tickets on their phones, reserve seats on their phones, and check-in with their phones.
However, the traditional luggage tag remains. That adds more struggle and waste to the journey than necessary.
The trends are crystal clear. People want to travel more environmentally friendly and preferably as seamlessly as possible.
BagID removes the traditional luggage tags and replaces them with innovative technology allowing you to track your stuff wherever, whenever. Oh, and you can wave goodbye to the check-in kiosks.
In mid-March, we are launching BagID to the mass market. Thanks to close collaborations with Norwegian, Elkjøp, Flyr, and Widerøe we will gain access to a highly relevant target group.
The expansion of the market combined with the launch of the new BagID 2 makes us more accessible. After all, BagID 2 can be attached to anything from your backpack, camera equipment, to your PC bag. This means growth. Do you want to join our journey? Become a shareholder in the company making the traditional luggage tags history!
Follow our investor campaign here:
– The founders, Jan Vidar and Øystein Tvedt.


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